Saturday, March 7, 2015

An Effective Communicator

Dr. Hogan was the guest speaker at a career seminar I attended recently. She left a profound impression on me just from her style of communication, as her message was common to most career seminars. The body language, confidence, and positivity she exuded while speaking about believing in yourself, never giving up, etc. made the message richer and more believable than any other I had heard before. The process of her communication, how it was said, made her communication more effective. Her use of different behaviors was appropriate to the venue, shouting at

times and speaking quietly and directly, with eye contact, to some individuals. But I believe her posture and carriage is what remains in my mind; she communicated such confidence I would believe anything she said could be true.
 Her mannerisms were foremost on my mind when I recently interviewed for a job. I stood taller, shoulders back, and relaxed my face into a smile. When I spoke, I spoke a little louder than I normally would have, and was sure to pronounce my words clearly. Although I had to admit in the interview that I didn't have experience in many areas, I was still selected to continue on to a second interview, and I feel it had a lot to do with the way I communicated, not what I communicated. (I didn't get the job--I really wasn't qualified--but I almost pulled it off!)


  1. Hi,
    I definitely agree confidence is a must in communication especially if the person is speaking to a group and trying to hold the attention of the audience. Confidence would also be beneficial for educators to have when they speak to children and families so that they know that the educator knows what they are speaking about and are confident in the message they relating.

  2. Hi Renee- I enjoyed reading your post. Believing in what you are speaking about has a huge affect on your presentation. Body language and over all demeanor either show your confidence or lack of. I have been to only a few interviews in my lifetime and was offered the job within minutes of the interview. When I walk in with a smile on face and show that I am confident in the position I am applying for, I always succeed. Am I nervous? You bet I am!! But the interviewer would never know that because of how my confidence in taking care of children shows through in my body language and positive attitude.

  3. Renee
    Something that I have seen mentioned in many of the post was not only how the individual communicated, but the confidence that the person had. When you feel good about yourself and you believe what you have to say it is important I think others will also believe.

  4. Great blog Renee! I agree with body language, and non-verbal communications have a superior bearing in a speaker’s delivery and actual words they say. The general public is additional likely to remember information that was communicated to them both orally and visually. Speakers have the ability to set a positive tone for a successful delivery and keep control of the crowd with excellent body language to stay engaged.

  5. Great blog Renee! I agree with body language, and non-verbal communications have a superior bearing in a speaker’s delivery and actual words they say. The general public is additional likely to remember information that was communicated to them both orally and visually. Speakers have the ability to set a positive tone for a successful delivery and keep control of the crowd with excellent body language to stay engaged.
